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CliviaNet: Clivia People

Nick Primich

The People Who Grow the Clivias

Nick Primich
Photo courtesy of Dr. Loukie Viljoen.

Nick is one of the main Founding Fathers of the Clivia Society. The image above shows Nick holding up a certificate of recognition, for the farsightedness, etc., of starting the society, presented to him at the Clivia Congress in 2002.

I think it is apt to start people or personalia with Nick Primich. He was the founder, instigator call it what you like, of the whole Clivia Society as we know it today, so we owe him a lot. People still asked him "what are you going to write about Clivias, you will have some news for the first letter, what then?" Well we all know "what then" ten years down the line.

I am sitting with Vol.1 Number of the just formed Clivia club in front of me, Dated July 1992. The editor (Nick) starts the newsletter as follows "Here we are as promised, but only just!! I was very pleased with our Australian reception (This was obviuosly before we were batterd in rugby, cricket etc by Oz), especially as there was no direct advert in Australia. As I know from past experience, it is a great place for bulb enthusiasts"

The first article was "A Short History of Clivia" by Jim Holmes 0f Stellenbosch RSA. Other names that crop up in the newsletter, Mrs. Les Larsson. C.Grove, City Beach, Western Aus. Mrs.W.E.Allison RSA, Mrs.L.Robertson RSA, W.Morris Advert for sale, yellow Clivias, Mr Nakamura, Mrs. Laila van Heerden RSA.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Loukie Viljoen.

The next photo (above) shows Nick with a Clivia that he has been growing in just a bucket of water for the past 4 years. He feeds nothing, but replaces the water as a "favour" every now and then. This plant flowers every year, and Nick lugs it to various meetings and shows it to members.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Loukie Viljoen.

The third photo shows Shige Sasaki (more about him in later letter, he spoke about variegation in Clivia) from Japan, he had written a song about Clivia, it is available on CD, and he serenaded Nick at congress with this song. I must admit that we are all grateful to Nick for starting it all. Nick does not often get the due recognition for staring and persevering with it, and he was often a man alone through the past ten years.



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Jim Shields <>, webmaster
Last revised on: 20 December 2002