What is meant by the term "Late"?

In the northeastern parts of the U.S., any daylily that starts to bloom after AUTUMN SHADOWS (Rasmussen) is defined as "Late blooming." That means, in central Indiana, starting to bloom during about the last week in July. In most years.... possibly; weather permitting, etc., etc.

AUTUMN SHADOWS (Rasmussen, '85) Tetraploid, registered as 28" tall, ML, dormant; flower 6" gold with reddish-bronze eye zone.
The Mid-Late bloom season, ML, is determined by the first bloom of FRANDEAN (Peck), according to the members of the Late Bloom round robin. This should occur around the middle of July in the Midwestern U.S.
The Very Late bloom season, VL, is defined by the blooming of SANDRA ELIZABETH (Stevens), which usually will occur around the first of August in central Indiana. The sequence is therefore ML -- La -- VL.
Question: would this scheme for defining the bloom season fo the daylilies apply to your geographical area? Why don't you drop us an e-mail note and tell us about your experiences?
For information about the E-mail Daylily Robin, contact:
The E-mail Robin leader,
Tim Fehr
or else:
James E. Shields
or to:
Binion Amerson

For more information about daylilies, visit the Friends of the Daylilies and Daylilies along the Info Hiway.

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The opinions expressed by contributors to these pages are solely those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the account owner, the other members of the Daylily E-mail Round Robin, or of the Friends of the Daylilies.

Last revised: 8/5/95.

© Copyright 1995 by the Daylily E-Mail Round Robin. All rights reserved.